Functional Structures

Your Banking Relationship
The Achilles’ heel of free enterprise What was the job of a clerk just a few years ago has now...

The Swiss Foundation – Where do we stand today?
Ariel Sergio Goekmen-Davidoff is a member of the Board of Directors of Carey Zurich (info@carey.ch) Most readers will know...

Was sind Ihre Vorteile einer gemeinnützigen Stiftung?
Die Vorteile einer eigenen gemeinnützigen Stiftungsgründung sind vielfältiger Art. Die individuelle Lösung des Nachlassproblems stellt erfahrungsgemäss das wichtigste Argument dar,...

What are the advantages of setting up your own charitable foundation?
There are several advantages which can be gained by setting up a charitable foundation. Experience has shown that the inheritance...

Structures – A Brief Introduction
Structures – What´s behind? The word “Structure” can be used in different ways across different industries and can often have...

Structures – Solving Problems
DO YOU RECOGNISE THE PROBLEM? Many of us do not recognise a problem until it becomes obvious or a third...